< Previous10 For Life’s Sweeter Moments DISCOVER A TINY TASTE OF HEAVEN® 11 Who doesn’t sneak a sweet occasionally? Okay – maybe it’s not so sneaky, and not only “occasionally”. We all deserve a treat! But wouldn’t it be great to find a fresh and healthy sweet snack that could actually help you meet your health & wellness goals instead of working against them? When you’re out on a walk in the woods, playing boardgames with your kids, or just chilling on the couch and watching some Netflix, a sweet snack can put a smile on everyone’s face. Parents have long sought out natural, nutrient-dense snacking options for these moments. Once upon a time, if you craved a sweet treat you would turn your grocery cart down the candy aisle to find an endless variety of conveniently packed options. Today, thankfully, you can satisfy your sweet tooth with Cloud 9® Bite-Sized Fruity Tomatoes, a fresh snack for life’s sweeter moments. With a unique fruity flavor and burst of refreshing juice, this hand-picked snack is grown for your family to enjoy year-round. Eating healthy meals and sharing our favorite snacks with family has the power to bring everyone closer together. From big Sunday pot roasts to quick playtime snacks, we are reminded time and time again that life is sweeter when we spend quality time with the ones we love. KEEP READING TATIN TIP When cooking the tomatoes, stir constantly for even caramelization. 12 SWEET SNACKING Don’t forget to save some extra Cloud 9® Tomatoes to snack on! FRESH PICO DE GALLO TOMATO TARTE TATIN 15 mineasy4 50 mineasy4 LAURA ASHLEY JOHNSON @dinnerin321 Pico de Gallo, also known as salsa fresca, is a low-calorie flavor boost to many dishes! ELIZABETH JORDAN-FLIGHT @jam_jar_kitchen Featuring our Cloud 9® Bite-Sized Fruity Tomatoes, this Tomato Tarte Tatin is an absolutely delicious and simple dish that is sure to impress. SEE RECIPE TRY THIS RECIPE 13 ENJOY TONIGHT FALL FRESHNESS Enjoy fresh, local golden and red beets this time of year. Of course, Cloud 9® Tomatoes are available year-round with the same quality you deserve. PLENTIFUL PORTIONS Bake a second casserole and keep it in the freezer for a busy weekday. TOMATO CASSEROLE 60 mineasy8 MARY HARP @healthychristianhome The definition of comfort food full of warm, cheesy goodness and sweet Cloud 9® Tomatoes. SERGIO HOWLAND @sergiohowland A perfect dish for the warmer days of early fall. Sweet watermelon perfectly complements the fruity flavor of Cloud 9® tomatoes while the beets add a savory earthiness. MAKE IT YOURSELF SWEET TOMATO, WATERMELON & BEET SALAD 35 mineasy414 Conjure up something creative with your little ones this Halloween that will encourage them to make healthy choices before trick-or-treating. TASTY ACTIVITIES FOR A HAPPY, HEALTHY HOLIDAY SEE THE RECIPE 15 MAKE IT TONIGHT HALLOWEEN BREAKFAST TOAST If your kids wake up on Halloween morning with a monstrous appetite, they’ll love these fun and healthy breakfast toasts. SPOOKY STUFFED PEPPERS Everyone’s favorite fall comfort food with a super spooky twist the whole family will love! HALLOWEEN APPETIZER DIPS Three spooky and spectacular appetizer platters for hungry trick or treaters to snack on! HALLOWEEN POPSICLES Fresh flavor balances all that sweetness with these veggie-based popsicles. SEE THE RECIPE GET POPPIN’! 30 mineasy16 15 mineasy10 20 mineasy4 60 mineasy416 Grab a healthy snack and get ready for family fun. With pure Flavor® Activity Sheets, there’s always something new to learn and endless ways to express yourself. Click below to download or print resources for parents and teachers including: Reading & Writing Math Coloring Mazes Games Healthy Activities DOWNLOAD ACTIVITY SHEETS IT’S FUN TO LEARN!17 PRINT SHOPPING LIST MY SHOPPING LIST S T T M W F S SEASONAL FLAVOR PAIRINGS Pure Flavor® vegetables are available year-round thanks to the most advanced greenhouse technology. That means you can pair your favorite fresh veggies with the best ingredients in every season. TOMATOES Cloud 9® Bite-Sized Fruity Tomatoes RedRoyals® Sweet Cherry TOV Juno® Bites Red Grape Tomatoes Sangria® Medley Tomatoes Bumbles® Yellow Grape Tomatoes Oriana® Orange Grape Tomatoes Azuca Red Cherry Tomatoes Tomatoes On-the-Vine Beefsteak Tomatoes Green Beefsteak Tomatoes Luna Sweets Cocktail Tomatoes Heirloom Tomatoes Roma Tomatoes PEPPERS Sweet Bell Peppers Aurora Bites Mini Sweet Peppers Shishito Peppers CUCUMBERS Long English Cucumbers Mini Cucumbers Poco Bites® Cocktail Cucumbers Uno Bites™ Nano Cucumbers ORGANICS Organic Tomatoes On-the-Vine Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes Organic Sangria® Medley Tomatoes Organic Juno® Bites Red Grape Tomatoes Organic Luna Sweets Cocktail Tomatoes Organic Roma Tomatoes Organic Heirloom Tomatoes Organic Sweet Bell Peppers Organic Aurora Bites Mini Sweet Peppers Organic Long English Cucumbers Organic Mini Cucumbers CRAFT HOUSE COLLECTION® Mini San Marzano Tomatoes Shishito Peppers Aurora Long Sweet Peppers Baby Eggplants10 It shouldn’t be a challenge for mom and dad to prepare a nutritious lunch for their kids to enjoy at school. That’s why Pure Flavor® offers so many easy ways to enjoy fresh vegetables on-the-go. Mini Munchies Breakaway Snack Packs are a perfect example of healthy veggies that you can add to your kids’ backpacks as they’re running out the door. When it comes to providing a lunch box full of nutritious veggies, plant-based school lunches are the way to go. Plant-based school lunches can be healthy, delicious and easy to make in a pinch! We’ve collected our Top Ten Plant-Based School Lunches to help you out. With a little inspiration from these recipes, you’ll be prepared to give your kids the nutrition they need every day thanks to delicious greenhouse grown tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. If your kids are back at school, you know how hard it can be to find tasty plant-based school lunches your kids love to eat every day. No fear – Pure Flavor® is here! TOP TEN PLANT- BASED SCHOOL LUNCHES CUCUMBER AVOCADO SALSA Including fresh salsa in your child’s lunch bag is an easy way to turn class into a fun fiesta full of color and flavor. This Cucumber Avocado Salsa is mild, but fullof sweetness that kids will eat up right away. BENTO BOX LUNCH Here’s another “all-in-one” time-saving solution for busy parents. Get your favorite snacking veggies and pair them with delicious tea sandwiches for a filling plant- based school lunch that your kids will ask for time and time again. MINI PEPPER SAILBOATS Another five-minute recipe that kids love is Mini Pepper Sailboats made with Aurora Bites Mini Sweet Peppers and sliced Long English Cucumbers. Make sure to wrap them in a bright blue napkin to surprise your kids and give them a fun way to play with their food at lunchtime. 18 1. 2. 3.19 FUN BUG SNACKS Speaking of playing with your food, how much fun are these Fun Bug Snacks? It’s right in the name, after all! Simply slice some Sangria® Medley Tomatoes and Mini Cucumbers to begin creating these tasty creepy crawlies. You can even get your kids to help make tomorrow’s lunch. VEGETARIAN STUFFED MINI PEPPERS A perfect mix of sweet and savory, these Vegetarian Stuffed Mini Peppers will keep your kids’ bellies full all afternoon. Each Aurora Bites Mini Sweet Pepper is stuffed with sweet potato, chickpeas, and kale for a nutritious lunch that’s great cold or warmed up in the microwave. CUCUMBER MANGO SKEWERS Kids love these Cucumber Mango Skewers in their school lunches – almost as much as parents love them as refreshing dinner party treats! There are only two steps. First, coat cucumber and mango slices in a mix of lime juice, oil and mint overnight. Then, in the morning while the kids are eating breakfast, slide them onto small skewers and sprinkle with lime zest, fresh mint and sea salt. BELL PEPPER SANDWICHES If you’re trying to increase the amount of veggies your kids eat, these Bell Pepper Sandwiches are just what you’re looking for. Instead of buns or bread, this sandwich holds all that deliciousness together between two bell pepper slices! While this recipe does include a slice of lunch meat per sandwich, it’s easy to make this a 100% plant-based school snack by substituting with tofu or tempeh. CUCUMBER MELON SLUSHY Send your kids out ready for a fun day of learning with a fresh boost of hydration. This recipe for Cucumber Melon Slushy is another kid favorite plant-based school snack you can prepare in the morning. Remember to use fresh ingredients – not frozen – for the best flavor and nutrition. CREAMY CUCUMBER WRAP & VEGGIES This recipe is a perfect all-in-one lunch you can pack for each of your kids in the morning before they head out to school. As a busy parent, you probably value simplicity when it comes to your kids’ school lunches, and it doesn’t get any simpler than this five-minute recipe for Creamy Cucumber Wraps with Veggies. Each wrap contains fresh Pure Flavor® Mini Cucumber slices with lettuce and cream cheese (or hummus if you prefer to make this a totally vegan recipe). For a great school snack your kids can dip in hummus, include some baby carrots and healthy veggie snacks. Ta-da! LOADED WAFFLE FRIES When everyone gets home from school, it’s always good to have a fresh plant- based snack ready for the whole family to enjoy together. These loaded waffle fries are a healthy and delicious snack to enjoy while finishing up homework before dinner! With these ten recipes for plant-based school lunches, you’ll be ready to tackle that hectic schedule while ensuring your kids get all the nutritious food they need to learn and Live Deliciously®! 4.9. 10. 5. 7. 6. 8.Next >