Key Account Manager
519.326.8444 Ext. 104

Hello, I’m Ken, your Sysco/Freshpoint representative for Pure Hothouse Foods Inc, we grow, ship and market all of our greenhouse vegetables under the Pure Flavor® brand. We had a great time in Salinas at the Sysco Foodshow and hope you enjoyed the event.

If there are any questions about our programs or if you are interested in more product information, I am here to help you. Please scroll down the page and download the Produce Program information.

Pure Flavor® is your integrated partner who picks, packs, and ships greenhouse grown vegetables year-round to cities across North America. Family owned and managed, we pride ourselves in delivering the best we grow to our partners nationwide. With a vast variety of tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant, and organics products, we have the ability to service your customers regardless of the season. Download our Sysco Produce Program information booklet that highlights all the various items we can service your customers with. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to connect with us!

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