Growing the Freshest Greenhouse Tomatoes for your Family

Growing the freshest Georgia Grown Greenhouse Fruits and Vegetables for Your Family
Pure Flavor®. Georgia Grown Tomatoes

Look for Georgia Grown on the label

We are the next generation of vegetable growers, inspired to put quality, flavor, and customers first by providing greenhouse-grown tomatoes from our farm that is strategically located in Peach County, GA. Providing locally grown produce ensures a consistent, fresh supply of tomatoes on the shelves in your grocery store, year-round! Our product packaging, labels, and PLU’s are designed specifically for the Georgia Grown program.

Benefits of Buying Georgia Grown Tomatoes
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Fresh and Flavorful

It’s all about growing fresh, flavorful, greenhouse grown vegetables for people like you all over North America. The best part? Knowing that families like yours are filling their plates every day with nutritious & delicious vegetables.

We are Proud to be


How are we able to feed millions of Americans year-round with the most fresh, healthy and delicious Tomatoes? We invested in the largest and most technologically advanced greenhouse ever built in the southeast.

Discover Georgia Grown
Greenhouse Grown

Greenhouse Grown Year-Round

How are we able to feed millions of Americans year-round with the most fresh, healthy and delicious Tomatoes? We invested in the largest and most technologically advanced greenhouse ever built in the southeast.

Precise climate, irrigation, plant nutrition, and lighting controls all make it possible to grow the fresh fruits and vegetables families love year-round in a sustainable, eco-friendly environment.

We’re proud to be a leader in the next generation of georgia grown produce.

Growing Fresh

We search the world testing hundreds of vegetable varieties to bring you the perfect flavors for every taste, preference and recipe.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

We use good bugs like Ladybugs to take care of the bad bugs in our greenhouses. This method eliminates spraying so you can enjoy produce the way it should be, all natural!

Sustainable Growing Practices

High-tech greenhouse climate control systems carefully regulate energy consumption to ensure plants are thriving in an optimal environment without energy waste.

Closed Loop Irrigation System

This system avoids waste by capturing any water the plant does not consume and reusing it to replace what is lost from evaporation.

Recycled Growing

Our plants are grown in coconut fibre and other recycled mediums. Selecting the right growing medium is critical to overall plant health and strength but also to sustainability.


Our investment in packing automation allows us to efficiently supply millions of Tomatoes and Cucumbers to the southeast year-round!


With the use of supplemental lighting we can grow year-round by providing the plants with the optimal amount of light.


We maintain favorable and consistent growing conditions through misting systems that keep humidity levels above 30% to encourage continuous plant growth.


Regulating sunlight entering the greenhouse and insulating with energy screens allows us to maintain a stable climate in the greenhouse.

Goes Well With…

Well, pretty much everything! But we have a few favorite pairings that you could try experimenting with:

Herbs & Spices

  • • Basil
  • • Garlic
  • • Mint
  • • Sugar
  • • Wine Vinegar

Meats & Cheeses

  • • Beef
  • • Chicken
  • • Turkey
  • • Swordfish
  • • Pork

Fruits & Veggies

  • • Eggplant
  • • Lettuce
  • • Onions
  • • Peaches
  • • Spinach

Pasta, Rice & Grains

  • • Lentils
  • • Pita Bread
  • • Tortillas
  • • Lasagna
  • • Capellini Pasta