‘Tis The Season To Be Busy!
holidays are right around the corner, and that means busier schedules! Keeping up with your health & wellbeing
are critical components to making it through the holiday season. It’s
definitely a marathon, not a sprint.
I know how hard it can be to stay focused and committed when there is so much to prepare for in so little time during the holidays. This is why I have listed out my favorite tips to keep our energy levels in tip-top shape this holiday season.

Exercise and Nutrition for Energy
Trying to stay on top of a steady health and fitness schedule can be challenging when the holidays roll around, it can sometimes be the last thing on your mind when planning meals, parties, and last minute shopping. It’s normal when we’re busy to feel sluggish, tired, sleepy, and let’s be honest, drained. You’ll start to feel like you don’t have much energy to do anything, and going to the gym and eating healthy meals isn’t the first thing on your mind.
On your to-do list, set a time to exercise and eat your meals. If we don’t schedule time aside for things like sleeping, eating healthy meals, and exercising, all these could be pushed off to the side, or cut out of your schedule completely. Sometimes setting aside an hour to exercise can seem impossible. What if I told you that you didn’t have to set aside one full hour? Get creative with your workouts so that you can get more done in a shorter amount of time.

HIIT, also known as High-Intensity Interval Training, is a type of workout you can do that is effective, efficient and can save you extra time during the busy holiday season. Doing a HIIT session can be completed within just 15-30 minutes. It involves higher intensity bursts of training with short breaks in between, it burns loads of calories and will have you done your workout quickly and efficiently. This type of focused training can even be done with very minimal equipment and quite honestly, can be done in the comfort of your own home.
TIP: Try doing exercises like burpees and air squats using HITT style training. I recommend rounds of 30 seconds doing 85% of your max output, followed by one minute of rest at 20% output with light controlled movement.There is no reason why anyone wouldn’t be able to set aside 15-30 minutes of your day to get in a quick workout. If you go to bed earlier, you can wake up earlier in the morning and get in your workout for the day. You’re always better to do a quick workout than do nothing at all.

Healthy Nutrition 101 – Eat Smart!
Nutrition is just as important as exercising when it comes to keeping your energy levels in check. Getting the essential nutrients that our bodies need is a vital part of being the best you can be every day.
We often forget that being busy is not a bad thing, and tackling your to-do-list can be extremely rewarding once we start checking off the boxes. When we prioritize exercise and nutrition, our energy helps us feel confident and up for the challenge of getting things done! For me, incorporating more vegetables into my diet has been the difference-maker that has completely revamped how I feel to keep up with life’s busy demands. I snack on Juno Bites Red Grape Tomatoes almost every day to make sure I’m getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin A & Vitamin C over the holidays. Both vitamin A and vitamin C play a vital role in the health of your immune system and can prevent people from getting sick over the holidays.
I also snack away on Aurora Bites Mini Sweet Peppers that are loaded with Vitamin C (these little sweet peppers contain 4x’s more Vitamin C than an Orange!!!) and contain high amounts of Vitamin B6. When people increase their vitamin B6 levels, it has been shown to play an essential role in mood regulation. From my experience, it has been a snack that keeps me feeling calm and positive through all the busy demands of the holidays. Not to mention, the refreshing and sweet flavor of Aurora Bites Mini Sweet Peppers and Juno Bites Red Grape Tomatoes make eating healthy feel effortless. How I see it, you are only as good as how much energy you have, and I want to be the best I can be, not just for myself but for the people around me in my business, my family life, and my circle of friends who need me to be at my best.

Reduce Stress with Yoga and Meditation
With the busy holiday season comes a lot of extra stress. Learning and being aware of how to handle and maintain your stress will go a long way to getting you through the holiday season. One way that I like to reduce my anxiety when I feel it slowly piling on is to meditate or relax with a yoga session. Signing up for a yoga or meditation class once or twice a week (if time permits) will allow for consistent relaxation. Completing a few yoga poses even on your own before you go to bed at night or start your workday will help you feel more balanced, calm, and focused. You may not feel all of this instantly after doing a few poses so it’s important to practice daily to start seeing results. Yoga is so much more than just stretching!
Meditation can also be used to become more in tune with your inner self, and more relaxed when you need a moment to find peace. You can focus your attention on slow, controlled breathing and take the time to clear your mind. Practicing meditation for as little as 10 minutes daily or a few times a week helps reduce stress, controls anxiety, and even improves cardiovascular health. With controlled or eliminated stress levels, you’ll notice an improvement in your overall health & wellness. You will feel less tired, mentally lighter, and more energetic to tackle what lies ahead.
Everyone gets busier than usual over the holiday season, and setting aside time for ourselves will always feel like work, even when you know it is in your best interest. Taking care of yourself is vital, especially in busy times. Learning to put yourself first is the first step in the right direction. Finding the time to excersise efficiently, manage your stress levels, and eating nutritious energizing foods are the secrets to tackling this year’s holiday to-do list. Putting yourself first helps you focus on making this holiday season one that’s joyful and memorable like its meant to be.
Be impactful. Daily
~ Faith